When we talk abot the Climate Change we use a lot of scientific words, and we must do it accuratedly. Since not everyone has studied sciences, we have extracted a bunch of the most used words and their meanings.
- Aerosol
- Albedo Effect
- Anthropogenic
- Aquaculture
- Aquifer
- Atmosphere of Earth
- Atmospheric dynamics
- Atmospheric phenomena
- Atmospheric pressure
- Atmospheric temperature
- Biofuel
- Biomass
- Biome
- Climate
- Climate Change
- Contamination
- Earth's magnetic field
- Earth's radiation balance
- Ecological deficit
- Ecological footprint
- Electric Vehicle
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Erosion
- GHG Gases
- Glacial periods
- Glaciarism
- Global dimming
- Global warming
- Greenhouse effect
- Gulf Stream
- Hybrid vehicle
- Inertia
- Magnetosphere
- Ocean current
- Permafrost
- Photosynthesis
- Radiation
- Solar radiation
- Solar wind
- Thermal Equilibrium
- Thermal Erosion
- Troposphere
- Vegetation
Atmospheric phenomena
Son los fenómenos que ocurren en la atmósfera: viento, nubes, precipitaciones (lluvia, nieve, granizo…) y fenómenos eléctricos (auroras polares, tormentas eléctricas…).
Imagen de ~jjjohn~, vía Flickr.